How to insert your advertisement?

In all areas of this website where you see this:

Or the phrase: "↑↑↑Advertise here↑↑↑"

You can place your ad.


  1. If you are interested in placing an advertisement you must send the banner and link previously for approval. This can be a standard 468x60, 300x300 or 336x280 banner. No other format will be accepted. This may be an animated banner provided they do not have excessive weight.

  2. Banners or links to pornography, violence, or anything else that can hurt sensibilities will not be admitted.

  3. The current price, which is indicated further down, ensures that the ad will be posted a minimum number of days, after which it can be replaced if another advertiser pays a higher price. If no one pays a higher price, your ad will continue until the maximum stated is met.

  4. CURRENT PRICE: 0.0011 BTC (110000 satoshis)

  5. Guaranteed: 3 days

  6. Maximum: 30 days

  7. The price you pay is unique and you only pay it once, regardless of the days that is your ad active or the number of clicks that it receives. The minimum number of days guaranteed ensures that your ad will be active these days even if there are other offers. If there is no superior offer your ad will remain the maximum of days indicated.

  8. Of course, if you want, you can make a superior offer to the one shown here.

  9. If you agree, send your banner and link to:

  10. We will send you a bitcoin address for paying. As soon as the ad is posted you will be notified by email.

  11. If we receive several offers for the same ad we will consider the date of the email.

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