Why Channel2RSS is the best choice for showing your channel out of Telegram?
We celebrate that Telegram has followed the trail of our idea opening to the outside world. It's great and certainly with Telegram + IFTTT you can do a lot of interesting things.
It is now possible to do many more actions via Telegram by connecting it to IFTTT. Also make posts for a channel or group to be published on your social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or even Tumblr or Blogger blogs.
So what's better about Channel2RSS?
Channel2RSS specializes in Telegram channels. As you know, by adding @channel2rssbot as an administrator to your channel, you get RSS and ATOM addresses that are updated with each new post. These addresses not only serve for any user can also follow your channel in an RSS news reader but also allow you full control of your publications outside of Telegram.
There are many ways to do it but with Channel2RSS you do not depend on what the IFTTT applet does by default with your channel posts. In fact, you can use IFTTT with your RSS feeds provided by Channel2RSS, which gives you more control over what and how your channel posts are published.
How to use Channel2RSS with IFTTT
Now that your channel has RSS, simply do the following:
Click on the upper right menu and choose "New Applet"
Clic on +
Choose FEED
And now "New feed item"
And write there the RSS address of your channel
Now you just need to click the other + To tell IFTTT what to do with each new entry on your channel
So it's already a matter of choosing what you want to do: publish it in different social networks, in your Blogger or Tumblr blog... there are many possible actions
But the key to why it is better to use RSS than the preconfigured applet is in the next step, where you can configure and make the entry of your channel to your complete taste and satisfaction.
You can choose the ingredients of your RSS feed that will be displayed, add text or other links and choose the tags. You will soon see that you can make your publication unique, original and beautiful.
TIP Remember that if you use tags in your posts you can choose what to post outside of Telegram and even where. For example, if you tag an entry with #facebook you can use a unique RSS address for your tagged entries in that way, you might want to have them automatically posted to Facebook. This is explained on the main page of Channel2RSS.